Category Archives: Homicide Defense

Clearwater, Florida ‘Stand Your Ground’ Shooter Arrested, Charged With Manslaughter
In July, a man named Michael Drejka shot and killed another man after a dispute in a parking lot in Clearwater, Florida. A video of the incident soon went viral and the shooting ignited a national debate as the Pinellas County Sheriff announced that he did not have the authority to arrest Mr. Drejka… Read More »
What is the Difference Between Murder and Manslaughter?
Homicide is the act of killing another human being. From this starting point, homicide comes in many forms, two of which are murder and manslaughter. They are both unlawful killings of human victims, but they have distinct characteristics. Namely, they are separated by the level of forethought put into the offense. Murder and manslaughter… Read More »
What is a Justifiable Homicide?
Killing another human being, also known as homicide, is regarded as a crime in cultures across the world and has been for all of human history. In the modern-day United States, the act of killing another human being can be charged in multiple ways, depending on the circumstances of the incident. But not all… Read More »
Controversial Case Leads to Murder Conviction
The mere thought of a murder charge is enough to bring the strongest person to his knees. It is the most serious of offenses, with lifelong penalties and public condemnation. When faced with allegations of murder, a suspect must act rapidly to craft a defense that will counter the evidence against him. This can… Read More »