Category Archives: Criminal Defense Tips

Your Guide to Obstruction of Justice Charges in Florida
Many people have a general familiarity with the term ‘obstruction of justice’. You hear it frequently in popular culture, in politics, and in legal procedural shows. However, it is often used in an ill-defined or otherwise confusing manner. In reality, obstruction of justice covers a wide range of different offenses. In some cases, obstruction… Read More »

What Should I Do if I Have Received a Subpoena in a Criminal Case?
A subpoena is a document issued by a court of law that orders a person to provide relevant information. You may receive a subpoena that asks you for certain documents or evidence related to a criminal case, or you may receive a subpoena that asks you to give on-the-record testimony. As you may have… Read More »

College Students: Could an Arrest Cost You Your Financial Aid?
If you or your college student has been arrested, it is crucial that you seek professional guidance. Under current state and federal regulations, a person’s eligibility for certain types of financial aid could be affected by a criminal conviction. Financial aid eligibility is an important consideration for college students who are facing criminal charges… Read More »

Intent: Without It, your Violent Crime Charge Does Not Stand
Violent crimes are defined as offenses that cause victims to suffer bodily harm. Battery, domestic violence, robbery, and murder are all examples of violent crimes. Like with any other criminal offense, an individual cannot be convicted of a violent crime unless the court proves beyond a reasonable doubt that he or she committed the… Read More »

I am Going to Jail. What Can I Expect?
If you have been convicted of a criminal offense, you could find yourself heading to jail. Sometimes, this happens even if you work with an experienced criminal defense lawyer. In any case, if you are going to spend time in one of Florida’s county jails, take some time before you are admitted to educate… Read More »

What Makes a Piece of Evidence Inadmissible in Court?
In any criminal case, evidence is a key part of the legal proceeding. Evidence is what the prosecution uses to link the defendant to the offense as well as what the criminal defense team uses to show that the defendant is innocent. Using evidence effectively is the key to convicting an individual or keeping… Read More »

What to Do if you are Charged with Trespassing
Trespassing is defined as the act of entering a private area without permission from its owner. This can be a house, a section of a home or public building, or even an empty lot. If you do not have authorized permission to enter a space or structure, entering it can be deemed to be… Read More »

Why You Need to Comply with your Subpoena
In the most basic sense, a subpoena is a request for evidence to use in a criminal case. The court issues subpoenas to individuals who can provide this evidence, which can be anything from a testimony about an event to a document that shows critical information about the event. A subpoena is not a… Read More »

How to Prepare for your Deposition
If you are facing a criminal charge, you are going to become acquainted with numerous court procedures in a short period of time. One of these is the discovery process, which includes interrogations, depositions, and requests for the submission of specific pieces of evidence to the court. A deposition is a conversation between you… Read More »

Were you Falsely Arrested? What to Do if you are a False Arrest Victim
Not all arrests are legitimate. If an officer has a valid arrest warrant or probable cause to believe an individual committed a criminal offense, he or she may arrest the individual. Without at least one of these, an arrest may not occur. When one occurs anyway, it is known as a false arrest. A… Read More »
How Do I Know a Criminal Defense Lawyer is Right for Me?
If you have been charged with a criminal offense, it is important that you start working with the right criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible. But what constitutes the “right” criminal defense lawyer? The right criminal defense lawyer for you depends more on your circumstances, rather than the lawyer’s qualifications, but his or… Read More »
How to Dress for your Day in Court
As the saying goes, “everybody is entitled to their day in court.” Basically, this means you have the right to a fair trial when you are charged with a criminal offense. Your day in court is your opportunity to prove your innocence to the judge and jury, which can help you avoid penalties like… Read More »
Representing Yourself in Court Can be a Terrible Mistake
As an American citizen, you have the right to representation by a lawyer during all portions of the prosecution and criminal justice process. If you have been charged with a criminal offense, failure to exercise this right can be a huge mistake. There are many steps between the police’s questioning, your arrest, and your… Read More »
Four Things NOT to Do When you are Arrested
When most people are arrested, they cannot think straight. Facing a criminal charge can be terrifying, especially for individuals who have never faced charges or had to interact with law enforcement in this capacity. The interactions that occur at the time of one’s arrest are critical, and the actions and statements that the individual… Read More »
Protect your Future by Working with a Criminal Defense Attorney
When you are in college, it can be difficult to think about the long-term effects your actions today will have on your future 20, 30, and even 50 years from now. Sure, you are working toward a degree that will ideally have a positive impact on your future employment prospects – but what about… Read More »
What to Look for in a Criminal Defense Attorney
If you have been charged with a criminal offense, one of the first things you should do is begin working on your case’s defense with an experienced criminal defense lawyer. Working with the right lawyer can mean the difference between having your charge reduced or dropped or being convicted and facing the penalties for… Read More »
Highly Publicized Cases Call for an Experienced Defense
News of a particularly gruesome murder has South Florida residents on edge as four young people face serious charges. According to the Miami Herald, four students allegedly worked together to lure a 17-year-old into the woods and kill him. The accused individuals all attended a federally operated job corp program. Law enforcement asserts that… Read More »