Monthly Archives: December 2024

Floridians Indicted in Houston Pill Mill Conspiracy Case
Today, feeling burnt out on sensationalized news is a national epidemic. In the old days, though, interesting news stories were something to look forward to, and if there was anywhere that you could be sure to find them, it was Florida. Visitors from out of state who sat down to breakfast at a diner… Read More »

Credit Card BIN Attacks
Artificial intelligence is enjoying its moment as the villain of the week, and an increasing number of people find it plausible to attribute emotions such as enjoyment to artificial intelligence. A few decades ago, the thought of robots making decisions that would cast individual human beings, or even humankind in general, into peril was… Read More »

What to Make of the Good News About Fentanyl?
Florida is the land of many scary things, but one would be hard pressed to find something scarier than fentanyl. Alligators are scary, until you consider the American crocodiles at the far end of Miami-Dade County, plus the introduced species, such as the Nile monitor lizards that can grow to alligator length, swim like… Read More »