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Monthly Archives: August 2024


The Many Faces of Prosecutorial Misconduct

By Ratzan & Faccidomo LLC |

Unless you have experienced it firsthand, it might seem strange to hear people complain that “It’s not fair” in the context of a criminal prosecution or trial.  Isn’t that something that children say when adults try to impose a punishment or stop them from doing something they want to do?  Consider that defendants in… Read More »

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Meet Iso, the Mega-Opioid Threatening South Florida

By Ratzan & Faccidomo LLC |

Florida is not for the faint of heart.  Even the boldest and bravest people are no match for the terrifying sights, sounds, and events that the Sunshine State has in store.  In fact, the best way to deal with the horrors of Florida is to put them in perspective by comparing them to something… Read More »

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No, You Can’t Pay Your Bail With Drug Money

By Ratzan & Faccidomo LLC |

Police know that there are few scarier experiences than driving along one of South Florida’s delightfully flat roads, just minding your business and enjoying the effects of the evening’s weed, and then an hour later, being in a jail cell-like room in a police station, with a possible prison sentence awaiting you.  Some people… Read More »

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What Does Research Methodology Have to Do With Your Criminal Case?

By Ratzan & Faccidomo LLC |

The school science fair, with the hallways of your school decked with triptych poster boards explaining the process and results of experiments conducted by students outside of school, are a distant memory, and unless you later sought employment in a scientific field, neither have you.  Today, every time you respond to a notification on… Read More »

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